Kareela Public School

Knowledge, Pride, Success

Telephone02 9528 5444


About our school

Our story

Situated in the southern suburbs of Sydney, in beautiful bushland amid sandstone outcrops, Kareela Public School has enjoyed a high reputation in the Sutherland area since it first opened in 1976 (see the History of our school).

The ethos of the school is encapsulated in the school's mission statement 'Promoting Excellence and Lifelong Learning' and the school's motto 'Knowledge, Pride, Success'.

Our high reputation is based on:

  • the school's outstanding academic achievements;
  • the wide range of co-curricular and extra-curricular activities offered to the students;
  • our strong, nurturing and effective support programs tailored to meet the needs of all students; 
  • the diverse student leadership programs;
  • our focus on the development of the whole child including effective student wellbeing initiatives;
  • our focus on educating through the positive behaviour for learning (PBL) framework, developed through consultation with the school community;
  • the development of a sustainable school through an extensive range of environmental initiatives;
  • the teaching expertise of a most talented, dedicated, caring and highly motivated staff;
  • the support of hard-working, active and interested parents; and
  • well-resourced classroom and playground facilities.

Our priorities include the development of personal excellence in all pursuits, the welfare of all students, the demonstration of our school's PBL expectations: safe, respectful, responsible, and caring behaviours towards others and the environment. The school community supports and values the opportunities offered to the students and works together with the staff to ensure a safe and happy learning environment where all students can reach their highest potential.

Mrs Nicole Arnold (Principal)

The original school badge was designed in 1979 and followed the theme of the Sydney to Hobart yacht race winners, after which the streets in Kareela are named.

In the 1990's the design was modified to more closely resemble a yacht sailing in the southern wind.

The official opening of the Kareela Public School second stage development on August 18th, 1982. From left, School Captain - Michelle Cook, KPS School Principal from 1981 to 1988 - Wilma Cook, M.P. for Miranda - Bill Robb.