Visual reminders of our PBL matrix are displayed in each setting around our school for teachers and students to refer to.
Specific PBL lessons on the expectations within each setting are also taught to support students at school.
Teachers at Kareela Public School regularly reinforce and acknowledge appropriate student behaviour in a timely and authentic manner.
Our award system aligns with the core values of PBL, which suggests that instead of recognising negative behaviours, teachers should reward students who are displaying the expected behaviours.
Other forms of Recognition
Students consistently receive verbal praise for following our school expectations in class, on the playground and at assembly.
Students receive 50 nights, 100 nights and 200 nights of home reading awards at assembly in recognition of their commitment to home reading.
Students receive awards at Presentation Day/Performing Arts Night/Sports Assemblies that recognise academic/sporting achievement, consistent effort across a variety of school settings, class citizenship and committment to performing arts.
Students in Year 6 are also eligble for special awards that are presented on Presentation Day each year. These include:
- School Dux
- Academic Excellence
- The Margaret Turner – Passion for learning Award
- The Maureen Reeve – Enthusiasm in Creative & Performing Arts Award
- The John Esther – Outstanding Achievement in Technology Award
- The Bruce Green Achiever – Outstanding effort in learning Award
- The Wilma Cook Citizenship Award
- The ANSTO Science Award